Repairable buildings for a sustainable future

Emissions from the construction industry can only be reduced if there is a shift in mindset from replacing to repairing. However, many buildings are not designed to be repaired. Together with industry partners such as Basler & Hofmann, ETH has developed a new further education programme that provides the tools for sustainable building construction.

The CAS ETH in Repair and Maintenance (CAS ETH ReMain) is an interdisciplinary course focusing on scalable repair and maintenance strategies in architecture and engineering. The programme is particularly suitable for professionals in the fields of architecture and civil engineering, building technology, mechanical and process engineering, product and industrial design as well as real estate and portfolio management.

The application period starts on September 1, 2024. Further information and application:

This programme will be presented at this year's ETH Industry Day. Don't miss this exciting event on November 21 at the Zurich Convention Center.

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CAS ETH in Repair and Maintenance

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